Saturday 15 December 2012


If there is a common nightmare for all the students of tertiary institutions, it will definitely be ASSIGNMENT! For these past 2 weeks i have been submitting assignment every Monday. The thing about Law assignments are they are in essay forms. The essay is 2000 to 3000 words. Trust me, it is not an easy task. To complete an essay, the amount of referring you have to do is really a lot.

Before signing up for this course, all the way I was in Science stream. A sudden deviation to art stream is actually quite different. From a scientific brain I have to programme myself to be artistic, well...creative with words. I chose this course out of my own will. I love it since it didn't require me to crack my head at the starting point itself like those core science subjects. I was very happy till they hand me over four yellow colour papers called assignments. I remember the horror look on my face when I read those titles.

I submitted my Criminal Law and Common Law assignment after so much of complications. Now I am doing my public law assignment. I have no clue or hint on how to get it started but again, I have no choice but to do with what I know and what I think is relevant with the topic. I hope I can manage to touch 2000 words count. After this, I got contract law in waiting list. I got hell of work loads. Result of procrastinations!

After completing each assignments I have an allergic towards books (only textbooks). But again.. I was reading this Fifty shades of grey during this assignment week. I know I am amazing :P